Top Android App Development Trends to Leverage in 2024

Top Android App Development Trends to Leverage in 2024

Android App Development Trends

The Android operating system is widely utilized with 2.5 billion individuals in 190 nations using it on an everyday basis. When you think of applications, some common names that come to mind are Zomato and Facebook. Studies say that there are over 10 million mobile application downloads on a monthly basis. Thus, the global android app development trends are growing every year.

The mobile app development enterprise market is growing rapidly owing to the latest technologies like AR/VR, Beacons, IoT to 5G networks, Artificial Intelligence, and Machine Learning. Changes are noticed in the android app development trends as the technology is evolving.

If you are confused between different trends, you must read this article. This article is a complete guide on the top Android app development trends. So, without any delay, here we go! 

Why Opt for Android App Development? 

Here are the top reasons why you must opt for an Android app development:

1. Market Dominance and Global Reach

Android hosts a vast market share in the OS market. With billions of active Android device users across different regions, developing a competitive Android application allows companies to capture a diverse user base. 

2. Cost-Effectiveness and Accessibility

No matter if you own a startup or an established enterprise, Android app development offers highly accessible and pocket-friendly solutions for your business. Unlike most mobile platforms that require hardware restrictions and licensing fees, Android is an open platform. It makes android app development software accessible and affordable. 

3. Customization and Flexibility

Since Android is open-source, developers have possibilities for customization. With the abundance of development tools, frameworks, and libraries available for the Android platform, developers can construct highly configurable, feature-rich applications that cater to unique user preferences and business demands. In a crowded market, this freedom helps businesses to experiment, innovate, and set themselves apart with their apps.

4. Integration with Google Ecosystem

Android applications integrate seamlessly with different Google ecosystems. These include:

  • Google Play Store
  • Google Maps
  • Google Drive
  • Gmail, and more

By leveraging these integrated services, companies can improve the functionality and user experience of their apps. These include:

  • Adding location-based services
  • Cloud storage
  • Email integration
  • Analytics tracking

This integration with Google services offers great value to all users. It promotes app distribution, discovery and monetization. 

5. Device Compatibility and Fragmentation

Android gives customers access to a vast array of hardware alternatives at varying price ranges by supporting a large range of devices made by different vendors. Because of this fragmentation and device compatibility, businesses may target a wide range of devices with different screen sizes, resolutions, and capabilities. Businesses may guarantee ideal compatibility and usability, reach a wider audience of Android users, and increase the impact of their apps by optimizing them for various devices.

Top Android App Development Trends 2024

Trends are the upgrades or extensions in the existing technology. Web app development and android app development go hand in hand but the android segment is way more developing than web apps. So here are the top trends of android app development in 2024.

1. Blockchain

Blockchain has made some amazing progress since the cryptographic money blast. The innovation is presently relevant in a wide range of regions, from tying down clinical information to inventory networks and calculated checking. It additionally assumes an essential part in versatile applications which makes it an extremely impressive portable advancement pattern. Decentralized applications (apps) in view of blockchain innovation award clients more command over their information by wiping out the requirement for unified mediators to oversee it.

This benefit is especially significant in creating applications for security, administration, character, social, and money classes. Blockchain wallets, for instance, came to more than 70 million clients toward the finish of March 2021.

The quick development of digital money lovers utilizing blockchain-based wallets, empowering clients to keep their monetary forms, (for example, bitcoin) in a protected spot is affecting new principles of solid wellsprings of data about crypto and applications for its administration. Also, this will make blockchain an increasingly more standard innovation.

2. Applications For Foldable Gadgets

Getting back in the game from the 90s, foldable gadgets appear to be just a little piece of the general portion of the overall industry in regards to cell phones. Yet, this will change in the impending years. As indicated by Statista, worldwide foldable telephone shipments are supposed to arrive at 50.1 million units by 2022.

There are practical premises for that: the improvement of convenience and development of the UI, as well as the chance of involving the gadget as a telephone and as a scaled-down tablet simultaneously, as the showcase can be effectively unfurled on a case by case basis. Clients might cherish that. This is a genuinely amazing motivation to remain mechanically clever in this specific versatile application pattern.

3. The Rise of 5g

5g was at that point among application improvement drifts last year and that’s what all markers are, after it turned into a trendy expression, we are to notice a critical ascent in the consolidation of 5g innovation around the world. Lightning-quick rates of up to 319 terabytes each second (Tbps), close to zero inactivity, high association thickness, and wide data transfer capacity are the thing that is making applications quicker and more effective.

5g associations are projected to develop to 40 % of all associations in Europe and 15% among all versatile associations in the world by 2025, while the following year it’s normal that 47.5% of all cell phones will brandish 5g associations. No big surprise then, at that point, that keeping up with 5g guidelines is one representing things to come patterns in application improvement.

4. AR Mix

One of the arising portable advancement drifts that should fundamentally support client experience on Android and iOS in 2022 is computer-generated reality and expanded reality innovations.

The worldwide market for AR and VR is anticipated to arrive at 30.7 billion USD in 2021, ascending to near 300 billion USD by 2024. The specific regions wherein organizations can advance far past their rivals in integrating these innovations in the versatile application improvement industry are retail and internet businesses.

A higher degree of client association and improving client experience thanks to versatile applications utilizing increased the truth is making this innovation a progressive pattern in plan and portable application advancement and is probably going to turn out to be increasingly more standard.

5. Super Apps

Super applications function as an environment, in which different exercises like work, shopping, recreation, and social association might happen at the same time. This thought previously acquired notoriety in China, on account of the WeChat informing application, which works more like a stage on which clients can message their companions as well as permitted admittance to a more extensive cluster of things individuals do on the web. Voice and text informing, bunch informing, installments, and games are different instances of WeChat exercises.

Online entertainment applications in the Western World are currently beginning to find super application advancements. They are presently changing into stages on which individuals can accomplish increasingly more online without changing to other applications, Facebook with its Marketplace and shopping highlights and Instagram being at this point not fundamentally about sharing photographs are extraordinary models.

The “one application – one reason approach” is evolving. As accommodation is what everybody looks for eventually, super applications are most certainly among the versatile application industry patterns to look for in 2022.

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6. Undertaking Mobility

In the midst of the Great Resignation, numerous businesses need to rethink their recruiting and working models. Offering remote work choices with the chance of utilizing individual cell phones is turning into another norm. The portable engaged labor force permits representatives to work in a more adaptable manner – for instance from cell phones – and has been demonstrated to support efficiency and work fulfillment levels.

Undertaking versatile applications are worked in light of business and corporate requirements, like joint effort, HR, or promoting computerization. It has been assessed that around 85% of worldwide associations have been reliant upon their representative’s very own gadgets during the Covid circumstance to guarantee market seriousness and business congruity. With the rising reception of BYOD (Bring Your Own Device), a market that should be worth 366.95 billion USD by 2022, and the usage of cloud advances close by the enormous social changes in regards to the manner in which we work, the normal ascent of the portable undertaking application market appears to be inescapable.

With working environment adaptability being vital to representatives’ joy and maintenance, no big surprise endeavor portable applications are one of the solid patterns in application improvement for the approaching future.

7. P2P Mobile Apps

Distributed installment applications permitting the exchange of money starting with one individual then onto the next rapidly and safely, as Venmo, are acquiring notoriety basically because of their comfort. Clients can rapidly pay, while merchants can get installments straightforwardly into their records. Perfect and simple.

Aside from arrangements in view of versatile OS worked in frameworks like ApplePay or Android Pay, this innovation is being utilized as an implicit installment include in extra portable application classifications, similar to web-based entertainment applications or digital currency portable wallets. 2022 appears to be a helpful opportunity to bring a p2p versatile installment application into a reality, as it’s certainly going to remain a portable application improvement pattern for some time.

8. Wearable Technology Integration 

According to most custom mobile app development companies, wearable technology opens doors of unmatched possibilities. Major wearable capabilities like sensory and scanning have set high standards, making it one of the top mobile application trends in 2024, according to a report. 

The worldwide wearable technology market size is expected to surpass USD 392.4 billion by 2030. Above all, the wearable market is setting high standards for mobile apps, making it the newest trend on the market. Wearables have brought a massive difference in mobile app creation: 

  • Variations in screen sizes via mobile apps
  • The creation of lightweight applications to offer greater functionality and quicker performance
  • The creation of personalized alerts for wearable technology, including voice notes and different colored signals.
  • Data transfer via mobile apps is smooth.
  • Higher layer interface between hardware and the end user

9. Rise of Low Code App Development 

Low-code Android app development is becoming popular because it gives users quick and easy ways to manage their processes without requiring them to create large amounts of code or programs. As new business opportunities arise every day, the need for low-code programming apps has increased dramatically in recent years, making it a necessary mobile fashion in 2024. 

According to an expert in Android app development services, the trend is taking off as companies are seeking to increase efficiency and streamline their processes. Businesses require all information at their fingertips, which can only be achieved by speeding up the development process using low-code systems.

  • It helps down the android app development cost because it takes less time and effort to construct an application.
  • Because there is less code overall, it performs better and is less prone to problems.
  • It helps in meeting client needs and provides consumers with an accurate representation of the app.

As a result, developing mobile applications typically uses low-code.

10. Mobile Entertainment and Gaming Application 

Everyone loves to watch their favorite movie on Netflix, shows on Amazon Prime and videos on YouTube! Gaming and mobile entertainment applications are a new hit in the entertainment world.  

Imagine spending the entire day without watching your favorite TV show or movie; this sounds boring! From binge-watching a movie on Amazon Prime to playing PUBG throughout the day, entertainment apps and mobile games have made their special place in your lives. As a result, they have evolved as one of the most popular mobile app development trends in 2024. 

Since iOS and Android app development companies are displaying all information on your phone’s screen, it has become easier to access all the data on the mobile phone only, adding more to its popularity. 

11. Mobile App Security and Privacy 

Safety and security have been a common concern forever! Although several significant steps were taken back in 2022 when robust security networks were formed. However, it was the beginning of the development of security channels. A study was conducted wherein 150 applications were put to rest. 

According to the results, one major security concern was found in 70% of iOS and 84% of Android applications. Thus, it’s high time that developers build highly secure applications in 2024 to limit the risk factor. Thus, privacy and security will be a major top mobile application trend in 2024. 

12. Mobile Commerce and P2P Apps

Today, most customers rely on mobile commerce applications to buy goods and services at any time and anywhere. The most common examples of these applications are Zomato, Uber and others. All these applications have made your life easier than ever before. Thus, it is a major 2024 trend! The mobile app development market has witnessed its highest growth quite recently. 

According to a study, mobile e-commerce revenue is expected to cross US $510 billion by 2024 and $710 billion by 2025. Another major trend that gained the limelight quite recently is the use of P2P payment apps. Using these applications, accessing mobile and online banking becomes easier. 

Now, you do not have to carry your wallet or cash. All you need is this application to access your money. As a result, the global P2P payments market is expected to reach US$ 1.89 trillion by 2024.

Total Cost For Android App Development 

The android app development cost is around $100,000 on the basis of project requirements. Some major factors that contribute largely to the cost are app complexity, custom design work, total features, team location and experience, operating system, technical complexities and more. The cost of app development is also impacted by the developer’s experience and time period. 

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How DreamSoft4U Can Help You Build an Android App? 

DreamSoft4u is a leading Android application app development company where experts build highly intuitive, fully functional and user-friendly mobile apps. Our team of experts specializes in creating cutting-edge Android apps with best in class approach to satisfy all customers. Over the years,  we have successfully completed over 1500 mobile application projects and served diverse industries. So, what’s the wait? Get in touch with experts at DreamSoft4u now!


Mobile app developers should stay informed about different evolving trends to stay ahead in the development industry. In this article, we discussed the top 10 Android app development trends that you must follow. These trends will keep the mobile app market growing and offer users access to personalized and advanced experiences and greater connectivity. If you are looking for the best Android mobile app development company, get in touch with experts at DreamSoft4u.


Q1.  How much time does Android app development take?

Android app development can take 1-3 months (simple app), 3-6 months (medium), or 6+ months (complex). Here’s a simplified breakdown:

  • Planning & Design (1-2 weeks): Brainstorming, user research, wireframing.
  • Development (60-80% of the time): Coding, building core functionalities, and integrations.
  • Testing & Refinement (10-20%): Bug fixing, performance optimization, user testing.
  • Deployment & Maintenance (ongoing): App store submission, ongoing bug fixes, and updates.

Q2. How experienced are your Android app developers?

DreamSoft4u is one of the leading IT solution providers in India and the USA, Our android developers have over 10 years of experience in building native and cross-platform apps. We have served all categories of businesses across diverse industry segments including healthcare, logistics, food, entertainment, and E-commerce.

Q3. Do you have any ready-to-use app solutions?

Yes, we have on-demand app solutions too. Our solutions are 100% white-label and customizable. Plus, you can launch these apps within weeks.

We have food delivery apps, ride-sharing apps, event booking apps, and fintech apps to name a few. You can get a free demo of these apps. Simply send us an email or fill out the form on our Contact Us page. 

Q4.  Android app or iOS app: Which one is more costly?

While Android development can be slightly less expensive due to factors like development tools, the overall cost depends more on the app’s complexity and chosen team. Get quotes from both platforms for the best decision.

Q5. Native Apps or Cross-platform apps: Which is better and why?

It depends! Both native and cross-platform apps have their pros and cons:


  • Pros: Better performance, smoother user experience, full access to device features.
  • Cons: Longer development time, higher cost, separate codebases for each platform (Android/iOS).


  • Pros: Faster development, lower cost, single codebase for both platforms.
  • Cons: Potentially lower performance, may not fully utilize all device features.

For complex apps requiring top performance and a seamless user experience, native might be better. For simpler apps or those needing faster development, cross-platform could be ideal.

Sanjeev Agrawal

Sanjeev Agrawal

My name is Sanjeev Agrawal. I am a Director and Co-founder of Dreamsoft4u, IT Consulting Company. I am having a keen interest in the latest trends and technologies that are emerging in different domains. Being an entrepreneur in the field of the IT sector, it becomes my responsibility to aid my audience with the knowledge of the latest trends in the market.