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Custom Healthcare Software Development: Everything You Need to Know About

The healthcare industry is considered one of the biggest industries across the world. According to a study conducted by the Deloitte Global Health Care Outlook report, the worldwide healthcare market stands at a whopping value of $7.724 trillion. It is because this massive industry comprises a full spectrum of healthcare service providers companies ranging from… Continue reading Custom Healthcare Software Development: Everything You Need to Know About

What Are the Requirements of HIPAA compliance for software development?

What Are the Requirements of HIPAA compliance for software development

The healthcare industry demands high-security measures to enhance patients’ and doctors’ trust while using the online platform for telehealth. The US government set up HIPAA policy to ensure that every healthcare provider follows the guidance and policy of HIPAA rules. As per the rules, they target the safety and security measures of patients and medical… Continue reading What Are the Requirements of HIPAA compliance for software development?