Epmed -

EPMED Telemedicine Solution

EPMED is an interactive place to overcome the troubles of hefty healthcare services. It is a tool to improvise the integration a patient-operated system known as EHR. The information so exchanged on the platform turns into reliable healthcare data. Moreover, the patients get the Eprescription easily refilled and can gain the most affordable healthcare services with our EPMED solution. To align with our EPMED Healthcare solution, visit the official links now!


Our Team Size and Deadline



5 Members

BA (1) | Project manager (1) Designers (1) | Developers (1) Content writer (1)



4 Months



Industry: Healthcare

Our Process

  • 1


    Market Understanding localization

  • 2


    User Flow Designing

  • 3


    Mobile Application & Website

  • 4


    Ensuring the product quality. Website Publishing

  • 5


    Play Store Publishing Website Publishing

  • 6

    Support and Maintenance

    Attain the enhanced & steady performance of the system.

What Are Challenges We Faced During EPmed

FDB integration connects an FDB database to another application, in our case, the EPmed interface. This allows data to be shared between the two applications, making it easier to manage and update information. FDB integration can also help to improve performance and scalability, as well as increase security.

We faced two primary challenges:

  • First, we had to ensure that data was accurately integrated and that there were no discrepancies between the two systems (i.e., the ePMeds system and the new Patient Information Retrieval interface)
  • Second, we had to ensure that the integration process was smooth and did not disrupt operations. The information had to be accurate and up-to-date. Providers rely on this information to make important decisions, so it must be reliable.
  • Another challenge was ensuring the interface was user-friendly and easy to navigate. This included everything from layout to colors and fonts. A good user interface is important because it helps users navigate the system and find the information they want hassle-free.

What Plans & Solutions We Implemented?

The technology stack we chose for the project was:

  • Html/CSS: To create the user interface, including the forms used to input data into the FDB
  • Core PHP: To access the FDB and manipulate the stored data.
  • DB – MySQL: To store the data in the FDB and to access it for reporting and analysis purposes.
  • Laravel: To create a framework that makes development easier and more efficient.
  • Developing a Patient Information Retrieval system + FDB integration can be a complex process, but with the right team in place, it can be done quickly and efficiently. We already had an expert team of solution architects, designers, developers, and project managers.

    The next step was to develop a plan that aligns with the system’s goals, as well as a description of how it will be used. Once the plan was in place, the next step was to create the actual system. This involved designing the interface and writing the code to make it work. Once the system was created, it was tested to ensure it was working correctly.

What Are The Features of EPMED Telemedicine Solution

In developing an application, the team arrives at many different conclusions. Some points the advantages and some targets the drawbacks. Today, we will contemplate on features of this telemedicine solution. So, here we go!


Patient Management


Nurse mangement


Doctor management


FDB API integration for real time medication get


Doctor and patient chat


Doctor prescribe new medication to patient


Allregy API for FDB


Allergy interaction API


Technology Stack

  • html_css Html/CSS
  • php_updatedCore PHP
  • Xamarin MySQL
  • my-sql-updatedLaravel

Why Choose Us

Here is something of your concern for the business, so you are in a dilemma choosing the company for medical app development.The below-given information defines why any user chooses us for having a great medical app development in your system


18+ Years of Long Experience


Dedicated Team of Developers


Process Automation via Mobile Apps


Simple Conversation


Fast Feedback From Clients


Helps Your Acquire New Business


Bridge Between Company & Client


Eliminates Manual Tasking


Take Your Business To Another Level of Success!

Convert your app idea into a profitable business.

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