How much does it cost to develop a telemedicine app?

How much does it cost to develop a telemedicine app

Telemedicine App

Telemedicine apps are in great demand as investors are planning to create a platform for users to interact and earn revenue. Some healthcare firms are also showing interest in developing a telemedicine platform for their own business to represent their firm and get patients’ engagement. However, everyone is questioning how much it will cost to hire a healthcare application development company.

The cost of telemedicine varies from region to region, and so do the app’s features and design. Additionally, in the medical industry, multiple certifications are needed to approve the legitimacy of the platform and provide a secure zone for professionals to practice their medical service. As a result, to buy these certificates, investors have to add more to their budget. 

So, let’s get an idea about how to create a telemedicine app for your business and how much it costs to develop a highly functional On-Demand app for your business. Also, understand various factors affecting the cost of the telemedicine app development.

What are the factors affecting the telemedicine app development cost?

The cost of any development is affected by numerous parameters. These parameters or elements decide the expenses incurred in the telemedicine app development process. So let’s take a look over some of the factors impacting the development:

1. Application Platform

The cost of any app development is affected directly or indirectly by the platform decided. This is the initial step that deals with the expense part. Moreover, building a doctor’s appointment on Android will cost you more in iOS. This happens because Android apps have to be tested on multiple devices. Many investors opt for cross-platform app development so that they can develop both platforms at a cost of one. So make sure to choose a vice platform like Flutter or react native to create a cross-platform telemedicine app for your business. 

2. Application Design

The second segment that deals with the cost of telemedicine app development is the UI/UX part. You need to seek design over money for flawless and seamless app work. The more you spend, the smoother the app design and user retention will be. Additionally, it also depends on the complicity of design and features. the more features integrated in your app and ask for complex design and interactive ideas then Your development cost will automatically increase.

3. Size of the App

The app’s design is highly reliable on the size of the application. The size of the telemedicine app is estimated from the features, including posts, patient database, doctor database, ongoing patient requests, and last but not least, doctor recommendations. Some apps are designed for a small target audience and can fulfill small purposes and requirements of the patient. These apps might cost a low amount, but when you add multiple features and cloud storage and EHR system, then you have to invest more in your existing budget. 

4. Add-On Technologies

Extra-addons in the app always impact the cost of telemedicine app development. Extra features like Mobile wallets, Uber Rides, etc., are available for the doctor’s appointment app. Such add-ons are possible for third-party integrations also. These features are tangible benefits, but development costs may increase. Additionally, there are multiple new features introduced in the healthcare industry like cloud storage and electronic healthcare management that can help you transfer your data from one system to another through a secure portal. 

5. What Technologies are Most Used in Telemedicine Apps?

There are various techniques or methodologies which nowadays are incorporated in Telemedicine App Development Services. This technology implemented greatly impacts the money required to build an app. Popular technology includes:

  • Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  • Internet of Things (IoT)
  • Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM)
  • Blockchain
  • Machine Learning (ML)
  • Cloud
Telemedicine App

Why Develop A Telemedicine Application?

Well, the answer is quite easy. Seeking the pitfall of healthcare i.e. COVID-19 pandemic, it has become rudimentary to have an app that can stand out the problem of being in contact, maintaining social distancing, etc. Below are some pointers that can describe Why Telemedicine Apps are Necessary?

1. Economical Healthcare

With the telemedicine app development, a healthcare business need not spend more money on getting a place to operate the business. In this way, the telemedicine app paved the way for itself. This enables doctors to render their services in any corner of the world. Simultaneously, the best part about the app is to save patients money. Any patient who is seeking medical attention can take the help of telemedicine apps. Here doctors and patients both are available on either side of the video-conferencing. One can ask for personalized medicines and other information.

2. Time-Effective Treatment

Many times, the physicians remain on-off or are not available due to high occupancy with the patient. But with telemedicine, it has become possible for patients can get immediate physician’s attention. Doctors, too, can treat the patient with ease. For this, the market is surrounded by many books and appointment apps.

3. Easy Accessibility to Healthcare

Telemedicine or Telehealth applications become a boon for people residing in distant or far-flung areas. If there are no healthcare facilities there, telemedicine is the saviour. One can schedule an appointment, seek personalized medication for chronic disease, ask for a clinic visit, etc.

4. Access to EHR

Electronic Health Records help doctors keep an eye on the PHI (patient health information). EHRs are accessible everywhere so that doctors can immediately ask for any report at any time. Patients also remain updated about their health history and upcoming cures. The only problem remains Security. EHRs having access from anywhere are less secure and often come under cyber threats.

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How much does it cost to develop a telemedicine app?

It is clearly understood that apps meant for the healthcare industry are highly impacted by features, add-ons, etc. But, another side of the statement says that there are two versions of the apps i.e. Doctor’s Side and Patient’s Side. Moreover, the app will require CMS facilities to manage all the data and app elements.

The rates or cost of developing a telemedicine app largely depend upon the features and other details. Usually, the construction of such apps depends upon the hourly charges. Developing a simple sober app costs around $20 to $150 per hour.

On average, a fundamental on-demand doctor app costs $25,000 – $40,000. It may rise as per the higher functionality; it may go up to $40,000 to $70,000.


The cost of a telemedicine app depends on various factors and the size of the project. If you’re planning to develop a telemedicine app for your firm or want to invest in creating an app, then here are some factors influencing the cost. Explore the various factors that influence the cost of telemedicine development and how much it costs to create an app for your business. Let’s make something bigger that represents your service and helps you get a global reach in the competitive market. 


Q1 How much does a basic telemedicine app cost?

A basic app with features like appointment booking, video chat, and secure messaging might cost around $30,000 to $70,000. It is an estimated figure and can vary depending on functionalities and the location of the development team.

Q2 What factors impact the cost of a telemedicine app?

Complexity is key. Feature-rich apps with functionalities like remote monitoring or AI integration will cost more than basic ones. Other factors include design, development team experience, and chosen platforms (iOS, Android, or both).

Q3 Is telemedicine covered by insurance? 

Many insurance providers now cover telemedicine services, but it’s best to check with your specific insurance company. They can tell you what types of virtual visits are covered and if there are any costs involved. Telemedicine can often save you time and money compared to traditional in-person visits.

Q4 How long does it take to develop a telemedicine app?

Development time is linked to complexity. A basic app might take 2-3 months, while a feature-rich one could take upwards of 9 months.

Q5 Are there ways to save money on telemedicine app development?

Yes! Consider a phased development approach, starting with a basic version and adding features later. Exploring pre-built components and outsourcing to regions with lower development costs are also options to consider.

Sanjeev Agrawal

Sanjeev Agrawal

My name is Sanjeev Agrawal. I am a Director and Co-founder of Dreamsoft4u, IT Consulting Company. I am having a keen interest in the latest trends and technologies that are emerging in different domains. Being an entrepreneur in the field of the IT sector, it becomes my responsibility to aid my audience with the knowledge of the latest trends in the market.