Best React Native Mobile App Development Guide 2022

Best React Native Mobile App Development Guide 2024

React Native Mobile App Development

Digitalization has paved the way for many startups and big ventures to reach a more significant population segment. Native mobile app development has become the new normal to do any business online and get the proper visibility. With around 3.48 million apps registered on the play store, it’s already proved that smartphone apps are a new marketing tactic to engage customers.   

In the same row of development, react native mobile app development came into context. It is an open-source platform founded by Meta Platforms, Inc. It was released in the year 2015 by the tech giant Facebook and the community. Since then, for building native applications, React Native has become the priority. 

What Is React Native?

React Native is a native app development platform utilizing Javascript. It is an amalgamation of both native and reacts native development. It is a highly functional framework and a best-in-class javascript library to create an attractive user interface. 

Many companies, including Facebook, find it troublesome to deliver the best functionalities through the current native stack. The framework back then was losing either productivity, quality, or focusing on the single platform. React Native has removed this barrier and provided all the features in one go. 

Today, 6 in 10 companies prefer to develop mobile apps over react native framework to write code in Javascript and utilize it on iOS and Android simultaneously. 

Read Also: Top 11 React Native Common Mistakes

Why Choose React Native For Mobile App Development? 

native mobile app development

With time, react-native has been the top-notch priority when any app is created in the native framework. Thus, our team has shown some important points why anybody must make native mobile app development.

1. Reliable Framework

Facebook even tested its framework by building a mobile app through it. The results were surprising as the app was highly functional and had a beautiful interface. So, when we use Facebook mobile apps, it feels like a native app. Being an open-source framework, many companies utilize its code to create some great mobile apps. 

2. Cross-Platform Compatibility 

React native app developers, who utilize this framework for building an app, indirectly prepare it for platforms, i.e., iOS and Android. Because the code of the app is compiled, it acts like native Java and Swift code. 

Simultaneously, the react native framework joins the web UI component and its fellow native counterparts. React Native development services give you a magnificent perk that you need not develop an app for iOS & Android separately. All you have to do is prepare a single code, and the framework itself will do the rest of the things for you. 

3. Familiar Code

Any developer who has previously and exclusively worked on javascript can easily understand the development process in react native. The framework is quite simple; the developer needs to know about mobile components and their integrations with their web components. 

Once the web component integrations have been done, the developer can start producing some finest apps through react-native. 

4. Rapid Growth

Still, Facebook is implementing new-new updates to improvise the react native framework. Currently, if there persists any problem, you can not resolve it. Facebook is working round-the-clock to improve these parameters and let react native app development flaunt at its fullest. 

5. Less Time Taking 

In a situation where you already have a web app built under ReactJS, the elements of the frontend developed can be distributed or shared among the mobile and web interfaces. It also helps in faster development. 

6. Platform Consistency

Another great feature of mobile app development process is it gives cross-platform compatibility. There is a vast difference in the app-building for Android and iOS. React Native helps deal with the differences, and one code can successfully run for both platforms. 

It is possible because of the single code base. It enables any developer to put less effort into the development of each platform. Furthermore, the app will perform significantly on both platforms.

So, after understanding the importance of mobile app development with react native, let us go through the steps to develop react native mobile app?

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Building Mobile Apps With React Native – Steps To Consider

This section will describe how to react native apps are built using the same code base. Professional developers generally adopt the steps. Therefore, let us take a glance at the app-building procedure. 

Before we directly jump to the conclusion, let us read the whole scenario first. There are a few prerequisites which any developer must follow:

1. Setting Up React Native App

The motive behind using react native is to bring pace to the development. The proper development environment is the crucial element here. All of the react-native companies are fully packed with resources, but proper utilization always drives good outcomes. 

It would help if you had Node.js to create Javascript code with react native apps. Simultaneously, if you want to build an app, it is highly recommended to utilize the latest version, i.e., LTS 10. x.x version. After this, any development would require the Java SE Development Kit known as (JDK).

2. Installing React Native Framework 

The very fundamental and most obvious step is to install React platform. Whether you are aligned with react native app development company or doing it on your own, it is a mandatory step to follow. Now comes two react native alternatives to get started with installation:

  • Building react native app without Toolchain
  • Creating a native app with CLI 

3. Create Folder Structuring 

After installing, you need to create a project directory by utilizing the CLI tool. Once the react Native is installed, follow the steps given below:

  • Add a folder in the root directory and call it “app.”
  • Move App.js file into the root app in the name” app.”
  • Now, update the index.js import to “import app from ./app/App.js”.
  • The final step, build the folder inside the “app.”

4. Running the Application 

The CLI tools offer some default or pre-defined snippet of code that provides actions to the app to run the applications. All you need to do is run the app using the terminals. For iOS apps, the developer will utilize the Simulator, and for Android, the developer will utilize the emulator.

One more point to observe is that the developer has not changed any of the coding parts. So for running an app, just hit the npm start command. 

So these were the basic steps to start developing an app in react native. Now comes the central part, which is already discussed below. 

Read Also: Angular v/s React v/s Vue: Which Framework to Choose

Main Components of React Native App Development

  • A project is needed that has already been generated by the CLI tool.
  • Collect all the components to create the app. 
  • Components are the visual elements that you see on the app screen.
  • By choosing the developing company, you can skip the step. 

So, these are some of the prominent guidelines which one has to follow to build an app in react native. Another popular point associated with it is “costing.”

What is React Native App Development Cost?

react native app development cost

So, if you are a startup for an established company, one can easily create react native apps that would be affordable and easy to deploy. The cost of building an app in react Native generally depends upon the project type and functionality of the app. 

Usually, the react native app development cost (per hour) can range between $20 to $35. Depending on the team deployed (experienced or fresher), deadline, skills, location, and technology utilized may vary. 

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So these were the prominent details on mobile app development with react native. One can quickly go through the steps and costs to make a mind on developing an app or not. It is the best version in app development, and one can highly depend on its cross-platform compatibility. Simultaneously, it offers cost-effective coding parameters for both iOS & Android platforms which gives you a win-win place in the development. 


Q1. Can you share examples of popular apps built using react native?

Popular apps like Instagram, Facebook, and Skype were all built with React Native.

Q2. What is JSX?

JSX is a syntax extension for Javascript. It helps developers write UI components similar to HTML. 

Q3. How much time can React Native save for businesses?

A report by Deloitte indicates that React Native can help businesses achieve a 50% reduction in development time.

Q4. Are React Native Apps costlier to build?

No, they are not costlier. Compared to native development, react development is almost 20-30% less costly.

Q5. Are React Native developers easy to hire?

React native is a trendy programming language and you can hire top React native developers easily.

Sanjeev Agrawal

Sanjeev Agrawal

My name is Sanjeev Agrawal. I am a Director and Co-founder of Dreamsoft4u, IT Consulting Company. I am having a keen interest in the latest trends and technologies that are emerging in different domains. Being an entrepreneur in the field of the IT sector, it becomes my responsibility to aid my audience with the knowledge of the latest trends in the market.